Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Moribund Youth aka turmoil born:1990 split:1994

Asagida eski hardcore grubu Moribund Youth (sonradan adi Turmoil oldu) ile ilgili biyografik bilgileri buyrun okuyun: ( websitesinden aynen alintidir)
Bu arada websitesinde grubun daha once yayinlamis oldugu urunler ve bunlara ulasma adresleri, sarkilar, yan projeler, alakali linkler mevcut.

turmoil (before known as Moribund Youth) was a raw HC/crust band

with pure naive punk attitude from Istanbul.

It was formed as Moribund Youth in December'90. After the summer of 1992 they became turmoil*,

aiming faster and much aggressive songs with more variable rhythm patterns and double vocals.

In May '94 they did their last gig and split up.

They only did 6 gigs at all; 3 solo, 3 with different bands.

*turmoil and Moribund Youth could be considered as two different bands,

basically from the way they sound and their musical styles.

They were formed as:

Taylan (RIGOR)-vocals/bass, Kerim (GORGE)-guitar an CUMhur-drums

ended as:

Taylan (RIGOR)-vocals; Kerim (GORGE)-guitar & vocals; Tolga (%30) -bass and Orkun-drums.

later, %30 and Orkun formed Crunch (later:Kranch). Orkun still plays drums for Rashit.

Mondo Trasho'dan gelen bir mektup:

Poison Free'de yazmis oldugum scenereport:

1 comment:

braintourniquet said...

fotokopi değil,
mondo trasho'dan gelen bir mektup.